How a dental membership plan benefits your dental practice.

From financial savvy to improved patient loyalty and retention, a dental membership plan can revolutionize your practice management while you focus on patient care. DentalHQ allows you to create custom plans for both insured and uninsured patients, making dental care accessible to everyone.

A dental membership software platform benefits your practice, your office team, and your patients alike.
Win-win-win. Smiles all around.

Care chevron-right Accessible

Increased access to dental care for uninsured patients

With more options to access affordable dental care, more patients visit your practice for services included in your dental membership plan.

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Revenue chevron-right Dependable

Recurring, consistent, and dependable revenue

Annual and monthly payment options mean flexibility for your patients. Guaranteed Plan Payments means more dependable revenue for your practice.

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Patients chevron-right Happier

Improved patient retention and patient loyalty

DentalHQ dental membership plans help to improve your patient’s experience with your practice before, during, and after their appointment visits.

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ROI chevron-right Increased

Increased ROI for procedures and marketing budget

Dental membership plans simplify billing procedures for both your patients and your office team, and your plan becomes a valuable year-round marketing campaign.

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Appointments chevron-right Attended

Fewer no-shows, fewer appointment cancellations

When patients pay monthly or annual fees for their care, they are more invested in attending appointments scheduled with your practice.

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Efficiency chevron-right Greater

DentalHQ brings more efficient and streamlined practice management

Less time spent on the phone with insurance companies and appointment cancellations means improvements
to efficiency and workflow for your office team.

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Health chevron-right Healthier

Improved patient health outcomes

When patients more regularly attend appointments and follow professional dental advice, their oral health outcomes tend to improve.

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Plans chevron-right Flexibler

DentalHQ gives you flexibility to create your plans as you want to

Customizable dental membership plans help you serve more specific patient demographics and their dental health needs more affordably within your practice.

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Smiles chevron-right All Around

A calmer, more streamlined workflow and happier patients can boost your team morale.

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